Transcript below
Another really important point is, most organizations have quite aggressive change and transformation programs. It’s still the mindset for it either to be done by,
you know, lots of Consultants or the senior leaders and it's the thing about,
you know, if changes done to people,they don't like it. What you should do is, you should,
you know, the people who do the work, they know and understand it the best.
So, in order to focus on work, improving Hence, you need to involve these people
so that will then boost engagement with their their job with the organization.
If we listen to, you know, employee voice is one of the enablers of Engagement.
I've come up with some suggestions. My leadership team have said,
yeah, that sounds great. And you know, they've really listen to
me and I've had a role in improving the way that I do my work.
And if you can help design the job in the most effective way,
then that is going to help you. That's going to help you be more motivated,
more productive or engage increase resilience, well-being,
etc, etc. And I think this where so many,
I think this is why we're seeing higher level and I might be wrong,
but this is my theory and I think this is why we're seeing high levels
of burnout why we've got more staff stressed
and that's because if we look at business,
very simply, we've gone from the industrial period where it was factories
and people do stuff on repeat and nothing really changed to the technological Revolution,
which is where everything changes faster than with other seen before in human history.
And in fact, the speed of changes is increasing.
And what that's made happen is it's made us go from a almost a static,
kind of business model economy. Where those are the businesses.
Those the people that got the money. These are the people that do the jobs
and we just repeat and it's very easy to just let somebody work hard
and when they get sick or can't work anymore,
we just replace them somebody else and it's just do that stuff.
on repeat. Whereas now.. and a business
used to get rewarded for that
for its ability to the same stuff over and over and over again in the industrial period.
Where as in today's age. Actually is the exact opposite businesses get rewarded in fact,
survive by their ability to be agile and to change.
And so we're in this period period.
Now, where change is essential,
but we know that change as you just mentioned,
can be challenging. And if you go about changing the wrong way,
with this inevitable change that has to happen over and over again,
actually, that change that's got to happen is damaging your engagement
because you're forcing change to happen to your staff
because it's the old way of thinking leadership,
teams need of a good idea, tell the staff what to do.
And actually that's just corroding
the relationship between the staff
and the business engagement
and an overall the wellbeing over and over and over and over and over.
But what you're saying is actually the change can be a good
thing if it's approached in the right way.
Yeah. Yeah, and practice with your people.
Yeah. I mean, one of them, one of the lines that engage for Success,
use something like your employee.
These shouldn't be seen as the problem.
They just as being Central to the solution.
And yes, that's exactly right.