Are you struggling with consistency when it comes to improving your health and being a hard working professional or business owner?
I know from personal experience and from working with hundreds of others that it can seem one has to come at the expense of the other.
Hard workers tend to be the worst affected with poor health.
We’re so driven to achieve our goals that we willingly neglect ourselves. That’s alright for a few weeks at a time and the big wins make it worth it, but when it goes on for years it’s only a matter of time will it limits our ability to do the work we love. It’s only a matter of time till we’re forced to make time for our health.
Here are 5 powerful tips to help you make sure this doesn’t happen:
1 - Plan long range goals (1-10 years) across all areas of your life
You can use the wheel of life template (found on google) to help you understand which areas are most important. THe plan doesn’t need to be perfect, just the process of thinking big picture and writing your goals down will create a mental shift in your head.
2 - Don’t try to be amazing at everything
If you want to be fitter, have more energy, feel more confident at the beach and get rid of joint pain, you don’t need to sign up for a marathon. If you want to improve your nutrition, you don’t need to go on a crazy diet and count your calories. You just need to work towards competence in the basics.
3 - Build up weekly habits
Being healthy isn’t hard, the problem is being unhealthy is becoming easier and easier. By focussing on building weekly habits you’ll create long term change. This might be as simple as hitting 10,000 steps 4 days a week, eating three meals a day and not taking your phone to the bedroom.
4 - Plan your health first
For most of us the problem isn’t a lack of time, it’s a lack of time management. Most of us are driven to achieve professionally so we let our profession or business spread to fill our time. With as little as a pre planned 90 minutes a day you can train, eat good food and plan your work day for maximum productivity.
5 - Have systems in place
The key to success in any area of our lives is working smart as well as working hard. For example 10 minutes of moderate intensity functional movements can have a significantly more beneficial impact on the body and energy than a 10km run. Knowing what you’re good at learning to delegate the stuff you’re not good at can yield 10 x better results and make you feel 10 x better as a person.
I’ll say it again, being healthy doesn't have to be hard, we just have to find the right approach and work smart. When you get it right you can work hard in whatever it is you are most passionate about without the constant nagging worry that you’re not looking after yourself.
If you’d like to have a chat about how we can help you systemise your approach to health so you can perform at your best and not feel like being healthy is an effort, book a call with me using the link below.
Mike Jones - Better Happy Coach

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